Posts Tagged ‘scandal’

54- Scandale gai à American Idol?

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Un finaliste du top 12 d’American Idol serait un stripper. La question soulevée par la découverte de photos un peu chaudes suscite surtout des questions additionnelles sur son orientation sexuelle.
Il est superbe, il a un corps qui fait craquer toutes les petites ados qui sont fans d’American Idol et de nombreux hommes gais, il a une voix solide et tout semble indiquer qu’il ira très loin dans les finales de la célèbre émission américaine qui comporte des records d’assistance avec environ 37 millions de téléspectateurs chaque soir de diffusion. Tout allait bon train pour la future star jusqu’à ce qu’un patron de bar gay du sud des États-Unis ne décide d’utiliser la popularité de David Hernandez pour se faire un coup de pub.
Les gais, c’est connu, sont capables des pires bitcheries et l’ex-patron du jeune chanteur l’a démontré cette se- maine en diffusant publiquement des photos de son ex-employé, torse nu, en train de travailler dans son bar gai. Est-ce qu’il s’est posé un seul instant des questions quant aux conséquences que pourraient avoir la sortie de ces photos alors que son ex-employé, un excellent employé d’ailleurs d’après ce patron, est maintenant passé à autre chose et travaillait à l’époque pour vivre et payer ses études?
En entrevue, cet ex-patron que nous ne nommerons pas de peur de lui faire trop de pub, a pensé qu’il serait sympathique de diffuser des photos de son ex-employé en train de servir des clients, de faire la caisse, de danser aux tables pour des clients masculins. Tout de suite, on aura titré dans la presse “Un finaliste d’Ameri- can Idol Danseur nu gay!”. Or, il s’agit ici d’une terrible méprise pour ce jeune homme qui ne travaillait dans un établissement gai que pour gagner sa vie, comme 90 % des danseurs nus des bars gais montréalais qui sont hétérosexuels et qui ne font que travailler pour des gais. Ce faisant, ces professionnels de l’érotisme gai dé- montrent une ouverture d’esprit envers les établissements gais qui fait exemple. En associant immédiatement le travail professionnel de David Hernandez à son orientation sexuelle, les médias tombaient dans le panneau des
idées préconçues qui associent le travail dans un bar gai à l’orientation sexuelle individuelle.
Pourquoi être gai devrait être un scandale? Il est clair que David Hernandez n’a pas apprécié le comportement de son ex-patron mais les produc- teurs d’American Idol le sou- tiennent, affirmant que tout le monde a le droit de gagner sa vie en travaillant à l’abri de la discrimination contre les gais. Il est probable que des poursuites judiciaires seront intentées en violation de la vie privée contre le gérant du bar gai à l’origine de cette fuite. La publication de photos personnelles dans le but de nuire est interdite aux États- Unis. Le 12 mars, David était expulsé de la compétition!

A canadian journalist attacks a kurdish citizen and associates him to “Saddam”

Monday, February 15th, 2010
A former freedom fighter of Kurdistan, known by the
Canada region as oppressed under the former Iraqi president Saddam
Hussein is dealing with “Saddam” on the website
Quebec journalist Eric Messier after being rewarded
honorary title for his commitment to the autonomy of its
region and its plans for the development of industry
oil by the Kurds.

The victim of this heinous act, established in Britain, is
Kurdish and has been active in the resistance against Saddam Hussein
and then it has just a few days ago to run
hanged by Iraqi officials for genocide against the
Kurdish people, the process is a Kurd “Saddam” is
probably a gesture not only inconsiderate to the people
but urges the Canadian criminal code prohibiting crimes
hate this kind and against ethnic minorities.

The recipient of two medals of honor awarded by
Academy Ville-Marie is facing racist attacks and
hate a journalist in feud for several months
against its competitor and shoots anything that moves,
demonstrating the pathological nature of his acts.

Everyone knows that the Kurds have been a
terrible repression under Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and
that the dead Kurds are hundreds of thousands, including
even those who were gassed by “Chemical Ali” cousin
President Hussein, hanged a few days ago for genocide.

The fact that a journalist does not know Quebec history
Contemporary and misery of the Kurdish people will forgive nothing
the treating of “Saddam” a representative of the Kurdish people
simply because he is Kurdish. Ignorance of the major
historical dramas by Eric Messier is equivalent to
caricatures of Mohammed that have caused serious riots
against caricatures of the author.

How to respond to Kurdish groups in Canada following the act
racism of hate from a person who in any
Clearly, no longer has control over his reason? It is
hoped that a formal apology be made as
quickly as possible because the authorities will certainly
seized on these gestures. Reporter Eric Messier should
also realize that it is directly the life of the author of these
lines in danger if one were to believe erroneously that
reward was offered a “Saddam” while
reward was an anti-Saddam, the mistake is
voluntary, where the gravity of the act!

According to Wikipedia, March 11, 1974, Saddam Hussein attaches
relative autonomy in Kurdistan, with the “Law for autonomy
in the area of Kurdistan, “which states in part that”
Kurdish language should be the official language for education
Kurds. This law also allows the election of a board
Legislative autonomous control its own budget. However
72 of 80 elected members of the council of the first session
October 1974 were selected by Baghdad. In October
1977, the entire board is chosen by the regime. The
relations with the Kurds of Iraq are deteriorating dramatically
thereafter. On April 16, 1987, Saddam Hussein launched a raid
chemical weapons on Balisan Valley. During
“Operation Anfal”, 182 000 people die in
chemical bombardment [8]. In December 2005 a court in The
Hague has described the campaign of “genocide”. On June 24
2007, the Iraqi tribunal sentenced Ali Hassan al
Majid, nicknamed “Chemical Ali” and two other former
dignitaries of the regime of Saddam Hussein, the penalty
death by hanging for genocide against the Kurds
During the Anfal operation.

When the American army came to Iraq to depose
Saddam Hussein, according to the American generals, the warriors
peshmerga were everywhere, everything had already been done and
Americans had only bind to the peshmerga to take
control region, which has been done, see the article
Duty on the subject
Kurdish peshmerga-are-all -

Treat a Kurd and pershmerga moreover, chief of a tribe
Kurdish peaceful “Saddam” is an insult to the Kurdish nation
and a lack of respect for the hundreds of thousands of deaths
caused by Saddam Hussein. Eric Messier will go far in its
Publications incendiary against society?