Bisexual Players OK On Gay Softball Team, But Straight Players Can Be Limited


Remember this case, in which the National Center for Lesbian Rights took on a discrimination case on behalf of three allegedly straight players on San Francisco’s D2, a softball team that is part of the San Francisco Gay Softball League? The players got kicked off the team after their sexuality was called into question during league play, and the lesbian lawyers found this highly offensive. Challengers on the Atlanta Mudcats team claimed the players were straight ringers, and that this violated the rule stating that there could only be two non-gay players on the team. Well, a court has now sided with the three players, saying that they’re bisexual if they say they are, and the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance has to pay them each an undisclosed sum of money, and restore to their team the second-place trophy they would have won in the 2008 tournament.

The lesbian lawyers say this is a victory for bisexuals everywhere, and these poor put-upon bisexual lads shall suffer no more. The league has re-written their rules now to allow bisexual players, but they are still limiting full-time breeders to two per team.

But if we know gay men — and we do! — those players from the Atlanta team are probably still muttering into their beers about how the three S.F. guys were about as bisexual as Lou Ferrigno.

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